Angels and Demons are God’s ministers used to work purposefully as a (fiduciary to God) or (permissively as a fiduciary to Satan), mostly in the unseen realm by allowance to the exact details of God’s Sovereign plans during this Age of Grace. Angelology need be examined, not for some postmodern new meaning of the revealed text to today’s audience but because every generation had their own theological nuance and personalized predispositions to overcome in their own cultural context. Angelology’s systematized truth in the Scripture has not changed but the context to which angels minister and demons damage is an ever changing and there is a need to see theology straight from the Bible into this present evil age. Theologian Millard Erickson contends that there are ten steps for doing systematic theology: “collection of the biblical materials, unification of the biblical materials, analysis of the meaning of the biblical teachings, examination of the historical treatments, consultation of other cultural perspectives, identification of the essence of the doctrine, illumination of extrabiblical sources, contemporary expressions of doctrine, development of a central interpretive motif and stratification of the topics.” [1] It is in this vein that the blood flow of this theology will flow to produce a fresh vibrant look at angelology today.
The Great Divide: Angels Elect and Evil
After creation, Satan (an angelic being who wanted to be God) rebelled against God. God
gave all the angels a choice as to whom they would follow: God the creator or Satan the created. Some speculate from Revelation chapter twelve that nearly one third of the angels fell from heaven and apart from God with the angel named Satan. The ninth chapter of Revelation seems to indicate that there could possibly be into the hundreds of millions of fallen angels or (demons) that make up a standing army of evil in the last days. It is not clearly understood that angels procreate, so the overall boiled down teaching of the Bible is that there were hundreds of millions of angels and God gave them a singular choice to test their fiduciary: thus, dividing the hundreds of millions of angels by a two thirds majority rule for the good angels verses the demons. It is important to note that all are angels, but some are angels elect and some are angels evil.
In an article by the Journal of New Testament Study by Forbes, here they examine the claim that Paul was demythologizing the apocalyptic use of the terminology and organizing of categories for demons by using words specific to Pauline literature. Forbes concludes that “Paul’s description of the ‘spiritual world’ combines elements familiar with the rest of the New Testament (angels, demons, etc.) with his own personal and more abstract concept of ‘principalities and powers’”[2] Paul would have been familiar with the normal ways to characterize the organizational structure of the angels in the Bible: howbeit it is not as understandable as some would have others to believe. Theologian Graham Cole takes the Catholic church to task on their need to divide every angel into a hierarchical structure even though there is not enough conclusive biblical evidence to divide every angel: they primarily use tradition of the Catholic interpretation and the Pope speaking ex-cathedra for their epistemological source of truth to find their conclusions. None the less, there seems to be a hierarchy of angels even built within the term archangel used to describe Michael. [3] “(Rev 12:7) And there was war in heaven: Michael and his angels fought against the dragon; and the dragon fought and his angels,” [4] Angels and Demons exist in an organized structure howbeit the hierarchy of rank is only really known about the archangel and his authority over the angels.
A final important distinction between angels in the great divide is they are referred to in the Bible using categories belonging to either God’s angels or Satan and his angels. (Revelation 12:9) And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and “his” angels were cast out with him. (Matthew 4:6) And saith unto him, If thou be the Son of God, cast thyself down: for it is written, He shall give “his” angels charge concerning thee: and in their hands they shall bear thee up, lest at any time thou dash thy foot against a stone. The loyalties have been set and each angel is subject to the destiny of their master. Angels now work either directly or indirectly to affect the destined direction of the outcomes of human lives lived within a world system. Andrew King in his introduction to Angels and Demons concludes that humans have a tendency to demonize people because of their psychological disposition to work toward shared goals of fallen angels though sometimes unaware. [5] Elect angels were referred to by Jesus as a mighty force to be reckoned with while he was being taken into custody at the garden, just hours before he would hang on a cross. Jesus instructed Peter to put up his sword after cutting off the ear of Malchus. Jesus goes on to conclude that he was working apart from Peter’s purposes but in His Father’s will. When Jesus is working in His Father’s will, he had command as God and on God’s side to pray for the power of the providence of God providing unimaginable angelic power from heaven. (Mathew 26:52-53) 52 Then said Jesus unto him, Put up again thy sword into his place: for all they that take the sword shall perish with the sword. 53 Thinkest thou that I cannot now pray to my Father, and he shall presently give me more than twelve legions of angels? Angels work administratively for their powers that be although demons ultimately work permissively the culminating plan of God Almighty.
Processing the Criteria Permanence: Discovering the Transcendent Truth of Angelology
Collection of the Bible Material: Five Angel and Demon Text
An examination of five descriptive texts of demons and angels will provide a biblical skeleton of the wherewith to identify angels and demons in the world today. Satan and His demons are not exactly equals but should categorized with similar characteristics. One text that describes Satan is (Isa 14:12-14)12 How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations! 13 For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north: 14 I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High. Satan is prideful and pedals by this means and method to humans and angels alike his cleverly designed undermining systems against God.
Angelic beings are opaque in nature because they are spirits (Hebrews 1:14) and at times they manifest themselves in bodies. (Heb 13:2) Be not forgetful to entertain strangers: for thereby some have entertained angels unawares. For the main part of Scripture angels are used as agents in administration and do not take the main stage of Scripture. With that being understood, if one were to (NOT BELIEVE) in angels then one would have to imagine away a large portion of the Bible that are replete with references to angels, demons and Satan. This task is like practicing lines of Shakespeare with only three out of the four cast member present.
Genesis six deals with a very confusing subject that seems to be dealing with fallen angels. The question is whether or not the angels “not in heaven” can procreate with and by human bodies. Theologians such as Dr. Peter Gentry at Southern Seminary have taken the position that angels of Satan married daughters of men in Genesis six. [6] Gentry concludes that the four references to (Hebrew: Ben Elohim) the sons of God are used in the Old Testament translated angels and the two referral passages of Second Peter Two and Jude help one to conclude that there is known perversion that was referenced linking this kind of twistedness to the sin of Sodom. Gentry eases the seeming contradiction of Jesus when his refers to angels of heaven not married or given in marriage, by concluding that there were fallen angels that left their first estate and not angels in heaven. (Mark 12:25) Angels in heaven do not procreate but there is a possibility that Angels that left their first estate, (somehow) do.
Matthew 17:14-21 is a story of Jesus’s healing the Lunatic son of a father that brought him first to the disciples and they could not heal him. Jesus cast out the demons and did so in an act of binding the strongman and in soul care of the boy. [7] Jesus instructed his disciples saying that the ability to cast out demons was not founded in their divine power but on their Divine dependence. There is not greater way to display one’s divine dependence but by prayer and fasting. It is interesting to note there are cases in the Bible of Jesus casting out demons that were associated with mental illness and there were cases of Jesus just healing a sickness. There is no doubt that having a demon can contribute to a biological malady. It is a misinterpretation to say that all mental illnesses are caused by demons today. Angels and Demons: Neurotrophic factors and epilepsy by Simonato, can help walk one through the manmade biological labeled names of chemistry in the latest discovery on understanding epilepsy. [8] But just because we may understand the way that biology works, and the triggers of a malady does not mean that there is not a possibility that some forms of epilepsy could be caused by or biologically triggered by demon possession or oppression. Since one does not know and there is no empirical test to be able to discern the difference: there is need to give help for healing through medicine and prayers to God and fasting because humanity is truly divinely dependent.
A Biblical survey of the role of angels working in the world today would not be complete without the antidote to survive the attack of Satan and his minions. Ephesian six provides the most comprehensive way to protect a oneself in this Church Age. Cole’s book ‘Against the Darkness’ helps lay a foundation for any seeker to understand the different views of spiritual warfare today. Cole takes Ephesians six to be a defensive strategy against the attacks of Satan, and surveys biblical words of overcoming like: submit to God, humble yourselves, repentance as the way out of snares towards resistance of the devil. [9] Cole sums up his commentary on Spiritual warfare by writing, “They also persuasively contend that the Christian should not address the devil but should pray to their heavenly Father: “This means that there is no biblical justification at all for the practice in some deliverance ministries of directly conversing with evil spirits.” (I was once asked at a seminar whether I would speak directly to the devil. I replied that we were not on speaking terms.)” [10]One main focus of spiritual warfare should be the gospel which disables the work of the devil. Hebrews 2:10-15 declares that Jesus destroyed death and rendered Satan’s work useless including his exploitation of the fear of death. (Hebrews 2:14-15) 14 Forasmuch then as the children are partakers of flesh and blood, he also himself likewise took part of the same; that through death he might destroy him that had the power of death, that is, the devil; 15 And deliver them who through fear of death were all their lifetime subject to bondage. The proclamation of the gospel is the spearhead against darkness! [11]
Unification of the Biblical Text: Thoughts about Angelology
Angels are working at will in a determinative direction towards the cause allocated to them by their master. Angels are curious and can grow in learning and interact with humans in a dynamic approach of understanding. (I Peter 1:12) Since Angels work interactively, they minister or deceive situationally though through the permissiveness of God.
Satan is working a wily will (Eph 6:11). Dickason sums it up by interjecting, “this deception involves a wide range of scheming, from hiding his own existence, to actively promoting false philosophies, religions and outright perversions of behaviors and moral.” [12] In a psychological article on the Angel and Demons: The Effect of Ethical Leadership on Machiavellian Employees’ Work Behaviors, Deanne describes Machiavellian employees as workers who, “use all possible means to achieve their ends.” [13] The effect of Satan’s wiles is at work and nurturing the corrupt nature of man to effect of almost complete corrosion. The way to defeat Satan is to simply believe the truth. One only need to out truth Satan. He will then be rendered useless. The truth about his defeat, the truth about the truth, the truth about God, the truth about Him exploiting fear, the truth about the culmination of the Kingdom of God and the final recompense of true justice are all examples of truths that one need only believe to alleviate the grip of Satan over human minds. Satan can work more intrusively to those who do not obey the gospel because they are disobedient, and He does not possess believers that are sealed with the Holy Spirt as having taken residence. (Ephesians 1) (Eph 2:1-3) 1 And you hath he quickened, who were dead in trespasses and sins; 2 Wherein in time past ye walked according to the course of this world, according to the prince of the power of the air, the spirit that now worketh in the children of disobedience: 3 Among whom also we all had our conversation in times past in the lusts of our flesh, fulfilling the desires of the flesh and of the mind; and were by nature the children of wrath, even as others. The only thing the disobedient need to do to change categories of being influenced by Satan working more prevalent is to be obedient and simply believe truth. Out truthing Satan works for everyone.
Analysis and Meaning of the Biblical Teaching: The meaning of Angels to us
This category is examined above and will be reincorporated into future revisions.
Examination of the Historical Treatment: Angels Trending
The television evening line up is replete with broadcasting on angels, demons or the demonic but the average person in a Westernized culture does not ascribe epistemological value to believing in the supernatural. Ever since DE Carte, Lock and others during the Enlightenment man has sought look to the natural and delete the supernatural from reason. Reason without revelation is not rational, since there are so many unexplained phenomena in the world today. As Howard Hagman reviews Billy Graham’s book on Angels, He does so by reviewing Graham’s need to add historical references of Angelology such as beliefs of the Reformation about Angelology. [14] Reformers predate the Enlightenment era, and the recent modernist belief system is a fairly new surge in the scope of the history of mankind.
Consultation of Other Cultural Perspectives: Global Perceptions of Angelology
Angels and Demons seem to have only run amuck in modern America. Andrew Keitt examines the devil in the Old World, ani-superstition Literature, medical humanism and pre-natural philosophy in early Spain and concluded that the inevitable belief in superstition and the demonic would run its course as Spanish missions met the new world of science and humanism. [15] Exploited people groups by unfounded beliefs in superstition would later characterize Spanish conquerors such as well. It seems that once the Spanish were so called delivered with Enlightenment thinking about demons and superstitions then they took on the modernistic and materialistic philosophy that people were only material and needed to be exploited. Without any view of supernatural then God was nowhere in sight. It is interesting to note that the modernistic world went full bore chaos in WW1 with regard to ethics in warfare.
Identify the Essence of the Doctrine: Angel: Elect and Evil Melting Pot
The essence of the Doctrine of Angels is that God wins in the end and uses angels as his extension of his final plan of recreating man, the heavens and the earth. Evil will be banished. (Revelation 21-22)
Development of a Central Interpretive Motif: Dispensational Angel Role
One interpretive motif in which to interpret angels and demon’s role in the world today is from a Dispensational Role of God interacting in World History. Today is the Age of Grace or the Church age and humans received their primary war tactics and interactive strategies about angels and demons in the New Testament. One day God will use angels to preach the everlasting Gospel in the adjacent dispensation but for now he uses humans to get the job done of defeating Satan.
Stratification of the Topics: The Main Takeaways of Angels for Today
The main takeaway about angels and demons today is that there should not be fear driving our perception of angles and demons. Devils and Demons are powerful beings. Angels could be a little scary but as God’s messengers they often introduced themselves to humans with instruction to not be afraid.
Greater is he that is in us then He that is in the world. (1John 4:4) Ye are of God, little children, and have overcome them: because greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world. Angels and Demons are God’s ministers used to work purposefully as a (fiduciary to God) or (permissively as a fiduciary to Satan), mostly in the unseen realm by allowance to the exact details of God’s Sovereign plans during this Age of Grace.
Belschak, F. D., D. N. den Hartog, and A. H. B. de Hoogh. 2018. “Angels and Demons: The Effect of Ethical Leadership on Machiavellian Employees’ Work Behaviors,” Frontiers in psychology 9, 9: 1082.
Cervantes, Fernando, and Andrew Redden, eds. 2013. Angels, Demons and the New World. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Cole, Graham A. 2019. Against the Darkness : The Doctrine of Angels, Satan, and Demons. Wheaton, Illinois: Crossway.
Dickason, Fred. 1995. Angels: Elect and Evil<br>. Chicago: Moody.
Dr. Gentry, Peter. 08/22. “Who Were the Sons of God in Genesis 6<br>.” Youtube. 08/22.
Erickson, Millard J. 2013. Christian Theology. Grand Rapids: Baker Books.
Forbes, Chris. 2001. “Paul’s Principalities and Powers: Demythologizing Apocalyptic?,” Journal for the study of the New Testament 23, 23, no. 82: 61–88.
Hageman, Howard G. 1976. “ANGELS, by Billy Graham (Book Review).” Theology Today 33. Princeton, N.J.
James, King. 1905. Bible<br>. No Copyright.
King, Andrew. 2011. “Introduction: Angels and Demons,” Critical survey (Oxford, England) 23, 23, no. 2: 1–8.
Simonato, Michele, Enrico Tongiorgi, and Merab Kokaia. 2006. “Angels and Demons: Neurotrophic Factors and Epilepsy,” Trends in pharmacological sciences (Regular ed.) 27, 27, no. 12: 631–38.
[1] (Erickson 2013, 53–63) [2] (Forbes 2001, 88) [3] (Cole 2019, 299) [4] (James 1905) [5] (King 2011, 6) [6] (Dr. Gentry 08/22) [7] (Cole 2019) [8] (Simonato, Tongiorgi, and Kokaia 2006, 631–38) [9] (Cole 2019, 302) [10] (Cole 2019, P. 303) [11] (Cole 2019) [12] (Dickason 1995, 132) [13] (Belschak, den Hartog, and de Hoogh 2018, 1) [14] (Hageman 1976, 310) [15] (Cervantes and Redden 2013)